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Found: TM Mass Youth Choir cd

I've gotten alot of emails about where to purchase TM Mass Youth Choir's 1993 release, Send Your Anointing, on TM Records. This is the album that has such songs as Rock of Ages, Send Your Anointing, and Get Away Jordan. The album is very hard to come by, that was until now. The album is for sell used and new at Amazon.com . There's only two available for sell, so if anyone is interested, I'd advise that you move fast. For further information, visit the product page.

Here's the title track, Send Your Anointing, for you to listen to:

To also listen to Rock of Ages from this album, click here.


DCanPlay88 said...

THANK YOU so much for this post (and the pic). I am one of those who have been searching high and low for a copy of this project. This track really took me back to the good ole days. ;-) Keep up the great work!