What I'm Listening To...

Old School Throwback Friday: Kim Burrell

I received a request a while back to share any other Kim Burrell songs I have, so that's what I'm going to do today. I found a few songs on where she's appeared as a guest soloist and here they are for everyone to be blessed by:

Wash Me - 1993

(recorded by Trinity Temple Full Gospel Mass Choir)
(click on album to listen)

Just Like You Lord- 1995
(recorded by Trinity Temple Full Gospel Mass Choir)

(click on album to listen)

I Am A Miracle - 1998
(recorded by Derrick Milan And Peter's Rock Mass Choir)

(click on album to listen)

In Case You Missed It...

There's an older post where you can listen to Kim Burrell leading "Praise Him" recorded by GMWA Youth Choir.