What I'm Listening To...

We're back!!!

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the long hiatus but I haven't been able to post on the old blog because I couldn't log in due to me forgetting the password. To make a long story short, I just startred over with a new blog. I do have plans for this blog but it will take some time and patience for it to be where I would like for it be (i.e. layout, content, ect.)

So what are some things you all would like to see here, things discussed here, just any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Let me know what you think in the comment box.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I missed the old blog!

Looking forward to some great old school gospel posts!

Lilmama said...

Thanks for the welcome Poohdalu!! I'm excited to have the blog back up. I still don't know what will be o here or how it will, but like anything in life, this will be a work in progress lol!! Again, thanks for the warm welcome.

SweetE811 said...

i totally enjoy your blog but i would like for you to post entire albums like the edwin hawkins singers live album Wonderful from 1976 thank you & God bless you